
Webinar Highlights

ESRI UC 2021: Ecos Sustainability and Environmental Justice

This session includes a discussion about work in Environmental Justice organizations and initiatives. Topics to be discussed include: the careers of the panelists, current justice issues, and the importance of seeing injustice as we examine the benefits and burdens caused by environmental policies and practices.

Webinar and Podcast

Environmental Conservation in Africa: Empowering local voices in science

Chester SciBar Online

Biodiversity, Equity & Inclusion: Empowering New Voices of Climate Leadership

From oil to soil: the shift - Isadora Spearwoman

Leveraging Mentor Relationships Webinar

Environmental Leadership Program

COP26 - Débat: Notre écosystème est menacé. Agissons maintenant!

Debate focused on the oil spill in Mauritius and the Global Shipping Industry.

SESSION TITLE: PANEL DISCUSSION- Building Capacity and Agency for Global Communities of Color in a #NewNormal

Perspectives on Environmental Justice, Technology, and Just Transition

Access Passcode: 3K%GvjH0

Point Virgule Ecologie : 30/09/22
The role of women in ecology


Audubon Spotlight: Vero Couttee Uses Maps to Break the Cycle of Injustice

Dominic Arenas - National Audubon Society

Advice from The Conservationist Island Girl

Patrick Pester - Conservation Careers

40 Crew And 6,000 Cows Feared Drowned As Yet Another Panama-Flagged Ship Breaks Apart

Nishan Degnarain - Forbes

Dead Dolphins Wash Ashore After Oil Spill Off Mauritius

Michael Levenson - New York Times

Dauphins morts: ce n’est que la première vague, prédisent des experts


Dangermond Fellows Making a Difference in Our World

Raquel Perez, ESRI

National Audubon Society Dangermond Fellow

Fulbright U.S Embassy

NorthStar Telescope: Meet Véronique Couttee
NorthStar of GIS

Militer sur plusieur fronts pour la justice sociale et environnementale

Le traumatisme intergénérationel et si profondemment ancré qu'il est facile de croire les mensonges qu'on nous a racontés sur notre valeur.
Le Defi Quotidien